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Materials Anglo, Sydney. "Le Jeu de la Hache. A Fifteenth-Century Treatise on the Teaching of Chivalric Axe Combat" Archaeologia 109 (1991) 113-28 Barber,
Richard W. and Juliet Barker. Tournaments: Jousts, Chivalry and Pageants
in the Middle Ages (N.Y., 1989). Barker, Juliet. The Tournament in England 1100-1400 (Woodbridge, 1986). Benson, Larry D. "The Tournament in the Romances of Chretien de Troyes & L'Histoire de Guillaume Le Marechal," in Chivalric literature : essays on relations between literature & life in the later Middle Ages, ed. Larry D. Benson and John Leyerle. Studies in medieval culture 14 (Kalamazoo, Mich: Medieval Institute Publications, 1980). Reprinted in Contradictions: from Beowulf to Chaucer: selected studies of Larry D. Benson, ed. Theodore M. Andersson and Stephen A. Barney. (Aldershot, Hants, England: Scolar Press; Brookfield, Vt.: Ashgate Pub. Co., 1995.) On-line at the Harvard Geoffrey Chaucer page. Clephan,
R. Coltman. The Medieval Tournament (New York, 1995). Fallows, Noel. "Just Say No? Alfonso de Cartagena, the Doctrinal de los caballeros, and Spain's Most Noble Pastime," in Medieval Studies in Honor of Charles F. Fraker. ed. Mercedes Vaquero and Alan Deyermond (Madison: Hispanic Seminary of Medieval Studies, 1995) pp. 129-141. Fallows,
Noel. "La guerra, la paz y la vida caballeresca segun las cronicas
castellanas medievales," in Discursos y representaciones en la Edad
Media (Actas de las VI Jornadas Medievales). Ed. Lillian von der Walde
Moheno, Concepcion Company, Aurelio Gonzalez. Mexico: Universidad Nacional
Autonoma de Mexico y el Colegio de Mexico, 1999. 367-77.
Fallows, Noel. "Knighthood, Wounds, and the Chivalric Ideal in Medieval
Spain," In Chivalry, Knighthood, and War in the Middle Ages. Ed.
Susan J. Ridyard. Sewanee Medi?val Studies 9. Sewanee: The University
of the South, 1999. 117-36.
Fallows, Noel. "Un debate caballeresco del Renacimiento espanol:
Сcaballeros estradiotesТ y Сcaballeros jinetes,Т" Insula. Revista
de Letras y Ciencias Humanas 584-585 (agosto - septiembre 1995): 15-17.
Fleckenstein, Josef, ed. Das ritterliche Turnier im Mittelalter: Beitrage zu einer vergleichenden Formen und Verhaltungeschichte des Rittertums (Veroffentlichungen des Max-Planck-Instituts fur Geschichte 80, Gottingen 1985). Gaier,
C. "Technique des combats singuliers d'apres les auteurs 'bourguignons'
du XVe siecle," Le Moyen age, 91 (1985): 415-457; 9 (1986): 5-40.
Gaucher, Elisabeth. "Les joutes de Saint-Inglevert: perception et
ecriture d'un evenement historique pendant la guerre de Cent Ans,"
Le Moyen age, 102 (1996): 229-243. Gravett, Christopher. Knights at Tournament (London, 1988). Published by Osprey Publishing Ltd., London, and thus widely available. Harvey, Ruth. Moriz von Craun and the Chivalric World (Oxford 1911) (especially chapters III and IV). Jackson, William Henry. "The Tournament and Chivalry in German Tournament Books of the Sixteenth Century and in the Literary Works of Emperor Maximilian I," in The Ideals and Practice of Medieval Knighthood: papers from the first and second Strawberry Hill conferences, ed. Christopher Harper-Bill and Ruth Harvey (Woodbridge: Boydell Press, 1986), pp. 49-73. Jourdan,
J.P. "La Theme du Pas et l'Emprise," Ethnologie francaise, 22
(1992): 172-84. Keen, Maurice. Chivalry (New Haven, 1984), pp. 83-101. Loomis, R.S. "Chivalric and Dramatic Imitations of Arthurian Romance," in Medieval Studies in Memory of A.K. Porter (Cambridge, Mass. 1939). Loomis, R.S. "Edward I: Arthurian Enthusiast," Speculum 28 (1953): 118-9. Rangstroem,
Lena, ed. Riddarlek och Tornerspel -- Tournaments and the Dream of Chivalry
(Royal Armoury, Stockholm, 1992). Young, Alan. Tudor and Jacobean Tournaments (London 1987). Texts and Original Sources
L'Histoire Guillaume le Mareschal, ed. P. Meyer (Paris, 1901). Crossland, Jessie. William the Marshal: The Last Great Feudal Baron (London, 1962). Meant as a free translation and interpretation of the 13th c. original. Includes some detailed anecdotes from the History. Crouch, David. William Marshal: Court, Career, and Chivalry in the Angevin Empire 1147-1219 (London, 1990). See especially pp. 171-184. Of William Marshal's modern biographers, Crouch is the least interested in his subject's career as a tourneyer. Rather, he sees the Marshal as an outstanding practitioner of 12th century "courtesy," the art of maneuvering in the envious and dangerous environment of the court. Crouch criticizes previous biographers of the Marshal for being too romantic. Duby, Georges. William Marshal: Flower of Chivalry (New York, 1985). Duby was a leading scholar of the twelfth-century French-speaking aristocracy; however this book has attracted a good deal of criticism. Duby, Georges. "Youth in Aristocratic Society," in The Chivalrous Society, tr. Cynthia Postan (Berkeley, 1980), pp. 112-122. One of Duby's most important discussions of the social environment in which the tournament became a prominent social custom. Esmark, Kim. "Man of Honor - Aspects of Medieval Knightly Identity in the Verse Biography of William the Marshal," in The Birth of Identities, ed. Brian McGuire (Copenhagen, 1996). A discussion of how knightly identities were forged in the public eye, in tournament and otherwise. Gillingham, John. "War and Chivalry in the History of William the Marshal," in Thirteenth Century England II, ed. P.R. Coss and S.D. Lloyd (Woodbridge: Boydell Press, 1988), pp. 1-13. A critique of earlier scholarship on the Marshal. Jarman, T.L. William Marshal, First Earl of Pembroke and Regent of England (Oxford, 1930). I have not read this work. Painter, Sidney. William Marshal: Knight-Errant, Baron, and Regent of England. (1933; reprint, Toronto, 1982). An old but still valuable investigation of every aspect of William Marshal's career.
Bretel, Jacques. Le Tournoi de Chauvency, ed. M. Delbouille (Liege, 1932).
Chacon, Hernan. Tractado de la caualleria de la gineta. Introduction,
Text and Notes, Bibliography, Lexicographical Index., ed. Noel Fallows.
Exeter Hispanic Texts 55. Exeter: University of Exeter Press, 1999. xli
+ 60 pp.
Diaz de Gamez, Gutierre. El victorial: cronica de don Pero Nino (Madrid,
1989). Diaz
de Gamez, Gutierre. The Unconquered Knight: A Chronicle of the Deeds of
Don Pero Nino (London, 1928). A partial English translation. It includes
these descriptions of tournaments: Fallows,
Noel. Un texto inedito sobre la caballeria del Renacimiento espanol: Doctrina
del arte de la caualleria, de Juan Quijada de Reayo. Hispanic Studies
TRAC (Textual Research and Criticism) Volume 14. Liverpool: Liverpool
University Press, 1996.
Fallows, Noel. The Chivalric Vision of Alfonso de Cartagena: Study and
Edition of the УDoctrinal de los caualleros. Newark, Delaware: Juan de
la Cuesta, 1995.
Froissart, Jean. Chronicles.
Henri de Laon. Le Dit des herauts.
de Lena, Pero Rodriguez. El passo honroso de Suero de Quinones, ed. Amancio
Labandeira (Madrid: Fundacion Universitaria Espana, 1977). King Rene's Tournament Book, tr. E. Bennett (n.p., 1992) is an English translation; the paper edition is now of out of print, but an electronic version can now be found at http://www.princeton.edu/~ezb/rene/renehome.html. Coulet, Noel, Alix Planche, and Francoise Robin, Le roi Rene; le prince, le mecene, l'ecrivain, le mythe (Aix-en-Provence, 1982). A study of all aspects of Rene's life.
Sandoz, Edouard. "Tourneys in the Arthurian Tradition," Speculum
19 (1944): 389-420. Sarasin, Sarasin: Le Roman du Ham ed. A. Henry (Paris, 1939). Sarrazin,
"Le Roman du Hem" ed. F. Michel in Histoire des Ducs de Normandie
et des Rois d'Angleterre SHF (Paris, 1840). Thomas,
J.W. Ulrich von Liechtenstein's Service of Ladies (Chapel Hill, 1969)
is a partial translation which omits many of the original's descriptions
of tournaments. The account of the "Venus journey" is on pp.
98-179. This is more a humorous and affectionate evocation of jousting
than a realistic and detailed account. |
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